09 September 2007

Lazarus rises?

Today I had a lousy run, but then, at least I had one.
In fact, I nearly went up to Kings Park for 8am to sign up for the 15k Pancake run, but then decided against it.
Instead, I left home at seven, passed by the start of the run (they were just setting up, so only a few runs) and got home having done only 6.5k.
On the other hand, at least I am running.
The orthopod did say that I could do no more damage and whether or not to have the op really was up to me entirely and how I felt about running with the knee as it is.
So, even though I was terribly underdone, I thought I might just head out for the City to Surf. I had done all of 2x 6.5k runs in the last two months, so yes, I certainly was not up to doing a quick time.
When I picked up the race number I was a bit embarrassed to say yes when the lady at the counter asked me whether I was still going to run in Group B, meaning I was aiming at doing a time of at least 58mins.
I said yes and I can say quite happily that I met the challenge. Although a few times I was very close to veering to the left and going home I just made it in 57:59! Actually I'm quite chuffed.
The following week I did a 12k run round Kings Park and then decided to do the Perth HM.
Again, completely underdone (boy, did my calves hurt afterwards) I headed out and managed to do it in 1:47.30. Admittedly, having Wife and little one cheering me on (and me scoring a kiss) at the half way mark did help.
So, overall, being 5.5 mins and 11 mins slower than last year at C2S and Perth HM respectively was not too bad.
This week, I did close to 13k on Wednesday and got on the bike into work on Friday and the knee is doing ok. Hurts, but it hasn't fallen off.
So having a bit of trouble this morning is not really a great drama.
Given how much work I've got on, I am actually looking forward to 27/9. At least I can tell everyone that I am just not going to be around.
Tomorrow I'll do the "bike thing" again and then we'll see what I feel like.
I'll also be looking to sign up for a rehab program at a gym Wifey has found so that I am adequately prepared pre-op for post-op.